Oriental Yuhong entered building waterproofing industry in 1995. In the 20-year development course, it has been devoted to providing high-quality and perfect waterproofing system solutions for important infrastructure construction projects, industrial buildings, civil buildings and commercial buildings. Now it has grown into a global waterproofing system provider. Adhering to the guiding ideology of "Return for nation,service to people", Oriental Yuhong has also invested in many fields such as non-woven fabrics, building energy efficiency, mortar, etc. It owns many brands: Oriental Yuhong (engineering), Yuhong (civil construction material), Woniushan (energy saving and heat preservation), Fuda (energy saving and heat preservation), Tiandingfeng (non-woven fabric), Fasion (waterproofing), Vasa (mortar), Luodi (diatom mud), DAW, Building Renovation etc. Oriental Yuhong holds more than 50 subsidiaries including Shanghai Oriental Yuhong Waterproof Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Oriental Yuhong Waterproof Engineering Co., Ltd., HK Oriental Yuhong Investment Co., Ltd., and Oriental Yuhong North American Co.Ltd., etc and has 27 manufacturing, R&D, and logistic bases.
- 工程费用:??元
- 主材费用:??元
- 设计费用:??元
- 软装费用:??元

- 国际化设计理念
金视觉的设计很有特点,极具现代感,不造作不取巧,非常符合我们公司的需求。只有经过历练,具备国际化视野的设计单位才能做到这一点。 ——艺鼎传媒 - 金视觉装饰的施工严谨规整,用料扎实厚道,施工期间现场管理井然有序。金视觉装饰在装修这件事上确实如他们所讲的一样,给予我们的是100%的信心和保证,也希望他们再接再厉,有机会的话我们还会继续合作。 ——航天宏图